Introducing Beasts of Blossom, Champions of Otherworldly Magic's first mini-set! With 24 new cards and 3 new ability keywords it is set to shake up the Otherworldly realms.
Beasts of Blossom Card Pack created with Blossom Shards
Finding Blossom Shards through Story Quests
In order to discover these new cards, you must first complete a new daily quest Discover Story Quest, which has a chance of appearing in your daily's.
Discover a new Story Quest is part of Daily Quests
You may also discover a Story Quest inside Common Coom Boxes, only if you have less than 5 active Stories.
Story Quests replace Seasonal Quests and are not deleted or reset every season. The only way to obtain the Blossom Shards, required to craft a Beast of Blossom pack, is by completing certain Story Quests.
Blossom Shard Quests
Crafting the Beasts of Blossom Packs
Once you have acquired 10 Blossom Shards, you can craft a pack. You will need an non-crafted Elemental Warfare Pack. Go to your Inventory page, then click Crafting. Click on your Blossom Shards to use them.
Select an Elemental Warfare pack without any current enchantments and confirm the craft. Congratulations, you now have a Beasts of Blossom Pack!
Beasts of Blossom Packs only contain 3 cards and cannot be further enchanted with more shards.
How long will Beasts of Blossom be available?
Beasts of Blossom cards will be available in Standard for as long as Elemental Warfare remains in rotation. You will only be able to craft these packs from Elemental Warfare (Gen 5) packs so once those are out of print, you will have to acquire non-enchanted Elemental Warfare Packs on the aftermarkets.